From the desk of Pastor Gary….

Greetings in the name of Jesus,

I would like to take a moment to tell you about our church. Grace Community Church, or GCC for short, was founded in September 2017. We started having services in February 2018 at the Richmond YMCA. Since that time, God has blessed us greatly and we were able to purchase a beautiful building here in Richmond.

We are a non denominational organization founded on the word of God. We are focused on the message of the cross and the gospel of grace, as given to us by Christ Jesus through the apostle Paul. We are a family focused church. Our mission statement is simply this: OUR MISSION IS YOU!

We want to welcome all who are looking for a church to come and join us. Our services are Sunday morning worship at 10:00 am and Thursday night prayer meeting at 7:00 pm. We are located at 20 NW 15th Street in Richmond, Indiana. If you do not have a church home and are looking for a spirit filled church with a loving atmosphere, please come join us. We are looking forward to serving you and your family.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Gary Reynolds

Our Mission

Our Mission is You!!  Our purpose is to share the good news of Jesus Christ through the message of the cross.  Come worship with us and experience the love of God.  If you are unable to attend in person, join us as we live stream our services.

Articles of Faith – We Believe

The Articles of Faith are the beliefs that unite us at Grace Community Church.  They help define who we are as a church and guide the way we worship and live. Click HERE to read more.

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Bible Verse of the Day

The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.